Inspiration for your journey to God!

Month: March 2016 (Page 2 of 5)

Thursday of Holy Week

Holy Thursday

Last Supper

Today is Holy Thursday, the first day of the Triduum (three days celebrating the Lord’s passion, death and resurrection – Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday.  Today we recall the Last Supper – when Jesus sat with His apostles to celebrate the Passover.  Here He instituted the Eucharist, He foretold of Judas’ betrayal, He revealed to His apostles that His hour had come and humbled Himself in service as He washed their feet.

There is a beautiful tradition in the Catholic Church after mass – the Eucharistic Procession.  During the Eucharistic Procession, we are reminded of Jesus’ time in the Garden of Gethsemane and the agony he experienced as He prayed.  After the procession, the community is invited to sit in silent prayer and adoration.  During this time, I’m reminded of Jesus words to his apostles as they entered the garden:  “My soul is sorrowful, even unto death.  Remain here and keep watch.”  He seeks our company and consolation.  He seeks our loyalty, trust and most of all our love.

May today be a holy, meaningful and transformative day for us as we contemplate those words of Jesus.  Can we remain “here” – steadfast in faith, hope and love, dedicated to, focused on and thirsting for Jesus, as He thirsts for us?  Can we keep “watch” – remaining true and obedient to the will of God, as He was?  God bless you!

Just one more thing

Just one more thing!  For some reason I couldn’t get Judas out of my head last night, so this poem came to me this morning.  Enjoy!

– Jesus betrayed

U – upheaval in the garden

– defeated by greed

A – apostle gone rogue

S – satan entered



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