I’ve been told I have a lot of patience and that I’m a conduit of peace – though I don’t see myself this way. I’m often asked where I get the energy to do all that I do. I like to joke and say “I don’t sleep! I’ll sleep when I’m dead!” But nothing could be further from the truth – because when I pass from this life to the next I’ll be more awake than ever! But I digress.

I’m not so sure the next song I’m going to share has anything to do with Christmas (though anything having to do with Christ I guess can be considered Christmas-y) but it certainly answers the question – where does my patience, peace and energy come from?

I can’t help but think – the more we surrender and allow the Lord to transform us, the more we become like Him. That’s how we can manifest our undeniable beauty. That’s how we can effortlessly obtain the virtues our world so desperately needs. Today let’s ponder how we can be the conduits to all that is good, true and beautiful. God bless you!

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