(This post was “misplaced” yesterday as was the one I prepared for today – they wound up as pages as opposed to posts – so expect two songs/reflections today! Sorry for the overload.)

GO TELL IT ON THE MOUNTAIN! While Christmas is a seasonal celebration of Jesus’ birth over 2,000 years ago, it’s also a reminder for us to give him room to be born in our hearts each day. Was Jesus born in your heart this Christmas?

Are you experiencing joy in your life as a result of your love for the Lord? Will you share it with others? Go tell it on the mountain! This command means more than simply telling someone you believe in Christ or that God has blessed you abundantly. It means share your journey with others – how you pray, your daily routine, your desolations and consolations. Unite your journey with others, let them know they’re not alone.

This song reminded me of the importance of encouraging each other on the journey. Let’s make that our resolution this year! Let’s encourage each other not only through prayer but by sharing life and experiences. This way we can begin to realize we’re more alike than different and Jesus’ love and peace can permeate the world. God bless you!

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