Advent, Advent Wreath, Christmas, CandleThis weekend marks the beginning of Advent – the four weeks of “waiting” for the arrival of Jesus – the REASON for the Christmas season!  From the looks of things, you would think the Christmas season was almost over when, in fact, it hasn’t even begun and will not begin until Christmas day.  Insane!  I’m excited about the Advent season because it’s the beginning of a new year for the church.   It encourages me to think about ways I can change in order to become a better version of myself.  It reminds me to slow down and maintain my focus on Christ and NOT on the things of this world.

As I think about Advent, two words come to mind:  humility and waiting.  I’m reminded of Mary’s humility as she accepted God’s challenge to carry His Son.  I’m reminded of her humility as she gave birth to our Savior in a manger.  Humility is defined as a modest or low view of one’s own importance.  It is the opposite of pride.  Mary’s humility illustrated two things which I would say also serve to define the word.  First, it illustrated her acceptance of divine grace and second, it illustrated her awareness of her lowliness, for she said “He has looked with favor on His lowly servant.”  Talk about humility.  She was born without original sin, she was CHOSEN to carry and gave birth to the Savior of the world and yet she remained humble.  WOW!

There is something to be said about true humility.  There’s a certain amount of strength and courage that’s required to be truly humble.  In today’s world there is so much emphasis placed on “success”, whatever that means – professional titles, salaries and possessions and so again, we reach a crossroads – do we fall into that trap and live our lives striving to be, have and do MORE or do we open ourselves to divine grace knowing and accepting our true place in this world as a lowly servant?  I choose the latter!  There’s a sense of freedom that comes with humility.  A freedom to be and do whatever you are called to be and do in this life without worrying about what others are doing or thinking.  A freedom that comes with knowing that the only place to go from the “bottom”, as a lowly servant, is up.  Scripture even tells us in Luke 14:10-11:  “But when you are invited, go and recline at the last place, so that when the one who has invited you comes, he may say to you, ‘Friend, move up higher’; then you will have honor in the sight of all who are at the table with you. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.”…  As I write, I’m also reminded of a question I came across in my reading:  What is the difference between humility and humiliation?  When we don’t seek the former, we sometimes encounter the latter.  How true that is!

Waiting also crosses my mind as I think of Advent – for obvious reasons.  But I also think of waiting for gifts on Christmas.  In my humility I wonder if I should even be receiving gifts.  What’s the purpose?  Who am I to be receiving gifts on Christ’s birthday?  If I accept a gift as a matter of tradition for the gifts brought to Christ after His birth, then maybe it should be something symbolic.  Christ received gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh – gifts fit for a king, for royalty, which He was.  Me?  I should receive a gift fit for a lowly servant.  So here’s a thought, instead of receiving a lavish gift or something I “want”, maybe I should receive ONE thing that I may need.  Hmmmm?  Think about that.  As a society, we are so spoiled it’s obnoxious.  We usually buy whatever we need throughout the year and then treat ourselves to what we want on Christmas and special occasions.  Some of us may even buy whatever we want, whenever we want.  Where did this need to blindly satisfy our every material desire come from? Where and when was this impulse born?  Whatever happened to sitting with our wants long enough to realize we really don’t want them at all?

This Advent I want to offer a difficult challenge – let us look to Christ and Mary as examples of humility and come down from our pedestals long enough to  LET GO of the pride and LET GOD enter our hearts.  Let’s sit with our wants and let them pass, then wait for the things that we need.  Most importantly, while we wait, let us REMEMBER THE REASON FOR THE SEASON! God bless you!

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